Class Nursery:

Students will be assessed on the basis of their day – to – day performance in the class throughout the session. Oral assessments will be taken every term end and written assessment for the final term..

Class KG – V

There will be Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) of the child’s progress.

CCE II Based on Summer Holiday Homework
Term I August
CCE III September
CCE IV  October
TERM II November
CCE V January
CCE VI  February

Promotion to the next class is based on the results of these assessments and internal assessments of the student’s work in each term.
Evaluation records will be shown to the parents in the following months:

TERM I August
TERM II November
Class VI onwards:

There will be Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) of the child’s progress.

FA 1 Apr – May
FA 2 July – Aug
SA 1 September
FA 3 Oct – Dec
FA 4 Jan – Feb
SA 2 March

Promotion to the next class is based on the results of these assessments and internal assessments of the student’s work in each term.
Evaluation records will be shown to the parents in the following months:

TERM I September
TERM 2 March


  • In case a student is absent for any assessment, proper medical certificate or prior written information should be submitted to the class teacher. In such a case student will be assessed on their internal assessments.
  • A child suffering from any infectious disease is not to be sent for the assessment.
  • Zero will not be awarded in following cases:
    • Exemption granted by school for any school activity/ important family event.
    • Genuine medical problem for which a medical certificate should be produced when the student re – joins classes.
    • Late admission

The progress report should be duly signed by the parent and returned within next 3 working days.